Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Some very encouraging poll numbers in Israel

It is clear from the numbers that the public has rejected the Olmert's government spin on the war and knows exactly who to blame for the war's failure.

52% feel that the Army failed in it's objectives
Only 3% are buying Olmert's spin that we won
60% of Labor and Kadima voters would not vote for them again
62% gave Olmert a failing grade for his handling of the war
65% gave Peretz a failing grade for his handling of the war
49% gave Chalutz a failing grade for his handling of the war


madaral said...

Olmert lost in Lebanon, and as a result the Left is now falling at home. They will not rise again, because the truth will keep falling from the sky.

Josh M. said...

Where are these numbers from?

bluke said...

There was a Smits poll done. I heard the numbers on the radio, I haven't seen the numbers in the mainstream media but you can see some of the numbers here.