Thoughts on Torah, working, living in Israel and how they go together.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I don't know whether to laugh or cry ...
after seeing this ad. They must be really desperate to be pulling completely unknown segulas out of a hat.
Has anyone even heard of this sefer? The sefer may be from someone who lived before R' Shimon Bar Yochai or may be from the time of the Ramban. That is a big difference.
indeed, people speculate about the author, who seems to be Rabbi Avraham ben Yitzchak of Grenada. some say he is the same as Rabbi Avraham ben Yitzchak of Narbonne (1110-1179). then again, he cites the Zohar, although some passages he quotes are not in our Zohar. perhaps on this basis we could say that he was post-Zohar, and thus 13th century.
though of course they will say that the *ideas* therein are from much earlier.
even so, a pretty early work. but even so, pretty random.
“Come and see: There are times in the year when favor is found, and times in the year when Judgment looms. There are times in the month when favor is found, and times in the month when judgments loom over all. There are times in the week when favor is found, and times in the week when judgments appear in the world. There are times in the day when favor is found and the world is fragrant, and times in the day when judgments loom – and even in the hour. Thus it is written: [For everything there is a season,] and a time for every matter (under heaven) [Ecclesiastes 3:1], and similarly: [As for me, may my prayer to You, O YHWH, come] at a time of favor… [Psalms 69:14], and similarly: Why, YHWH, do You stand far off, and hide in times of trouble? [Psalms 10:1], and similarly: From afar, YHWH appeared to me [Jeremiah 31:3]. And times when He is near, as it is written: Seek YHWH when He may be found, call to Him when He is near [Isaiah 55:6]; YHWH is near to all who call Him [Psalms 145:18]. Therefore, that he not enter at all times into the sanctuary [Leviticus 16:2]” (Zohar 3:58a-b).
“In the ninth [month of the civil calendar, namely Sivan] Israel was answered by the Sea. And the ninth [seasonal] hour is the time of merriment, and blessing, and joy. It is the hour of the afternoon prayer in which Elijah was answered, as is written: And it happened at the hour of the afternoon offering that Elijah the prophet approached [1 Kings 18:36, cf. BT Berakhot 6b]. It is a tradition to you that the ninth year of the Jubilee will be the most auspicious year, the ninth month, will be a month of favor, and it will be the most auspicious of months. The ninth day of the month will be the most auspicious day of the month, and the ninth hour of the day will be the most auspicious hour of hours. And the same occurs above, among the highest ones; the ninth is most auspicious” (Berit Menuḥa).
when times are tough, people have to resort to all sorts of tactics...
interesting. here is a link to the sefer.
indeed, people speculate about the author, who seems to be Rabbi Avraham ben Yitzchak of Grenada. some say he is the same as Rabbi Avraham ben Yitzchak of Narbonne (1110-1179). then again, he cites the Zohar, although some passages he quotes are not in our Zohar. perhaps on this basis we could say that he was post-Zohar, and thus 13th century.
though of course they will say that the *ideas* therein are from much earlier.
even so, a pretty early work. but even so, pretty random.
oops: the link:
the text that appears begins a few lines down in the first column, vayigash eliyahu.
see this:,7340,L-3810212,00.html
and in this article, various gedolim weigh in on whether this is actually a segulah or a gimmick...
“Come and see: There are times in the year when favor is found, and times in the year when Judgment looms. There are times in the month when favor is found, and times in the month when judgments loom over all. There are times in the week when favor is found, and times in the week when judgments appear in the world. There are times in the day when favor is found and the world is fragrant, and times in the day when judgments loom – and even in the hour. Thus it is written: [For everything there is a season,] and a time for every matter (under heaven) [Ecclesiastes 3:1], and similarly: [As for me, may my prayer to You, O YHWH, come] at a time of favor… [Psalms 69:14], and similarly: Why, YHWH, do You stand far off, and hide in times of trouble? [Psalms 10:1], and similarly: From afar, YHWH appeared to me [Jeremiah 31:3]. And times when He is near, as it is written: Seek YHWH when He may be found, call to Him when He is near [Isaiah 55:6]; YHWH is near to all who call Him [Psalms 145:18]. Therefore, that he not enter at all times into the sanctuary [Leviticus 16:2]” (Zohar 3:58a-b).
“In the ninth [month of the civil calendar, namely Sivan] Israel was answered by the Sea. And the ninth [seasonal] hour is the time of merriment, and blessing, and joy. It is the hour of the afternoon prayer in which Elijah was answered, as is written: And it happened at the hour of the afternoon offering that Elijah the prophet approached [1 Kings 18:36, cf. BT Berakhot 6b]. It is a tradition to you that the ninth year of the Jubilee will be the most auspicious year, the ninth month, will be a month of favor, and it will be the most auspicious of months. The ninth day of the month will be the most auspicious day of the month, and the ninth hour of the day will be the most auspicious hour of hours. And the same occurs above, among the highest ones; the ninth is most auspicious” (Berit Menuḥa).
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