Thursday, March 23, 2006

Only in Israel: A party called מלחמה בבנקים

The platform is as the name suggests "War on the Banks".

Here are some more interesting parties:
  • גיל - a party for retirees. The party platform is to protect the rights of retirees e.g AARP

  • צדק לכל - The party platform is equal rights for men regarding family law

  • לח"ם - Anti-corruption party

  • עלה ירוק - Main platform, the legalization of marijuana

  • עתיד אחד - Main platform, to bring all the Ethiopian Jews to Israel

  • ציונות חדשה - Main platform, government reform

The common denominator among all these parties is that they are narrow 1 issue parties. The only reason they exist is because of the election system in Israel where elections are nationwide using a proportional representation system. In a normal political system none of these parties would exist, rather they would be subsumed under one of the larger parties. There are 30!! parties running in the current election between 10 - 15 will get into the Knesset. There is no way that the next government (whoever leads it) will be stable given these numbers.

It is obvious that the political system in Israel needs to be changed to some kind of district based system. I an very skeptical of this getting done, no politician wants to vote himself out of a job.